Tuesday 13 January 2015

JUAL Herbal Jantung Berlubang- 0897.5877.592

JUAL Herbal Jantung Berlubang- 0897.5877.592 Untuk kita memahami masalah penyakit jantung berlubang, biarlah saya terangkan secara umum berkenaan jantung yaitu organ berotot yang memompa darah ke seluruh tubuh. Jantung dibagi menjadi 4 ruang rongga. Terdapat dinding yang memisahkan antara ruang kanan dan kiri dipanggil SEPTUM. Setiap bagian mempunyai dua ruang disebut atrium bagian atas dan dua ruang ventrikel di bagian bawah. Dinding septum memisahkan darah dari bagian kanan dan kiri jantung daripada bercampur. Ini penting karena darah di sebelah kiri kaya oksigen sementara darah di ruang sebelah kanan kurang oksigen. Jika terdapat lubang pada dinding septum, darah akan bercampur sebelum diedarkan ke seluruh tubuh kandungan oksigen dalam darah sangat kurang, dan hal itu akan menyebabkan segala masalah penyakit lain.

Thursday 30 October 2014



Al Kahfi Halal Mart Online, OBAT HERBAL MATA KATARAK


Jual Suplemen Untuk Mata Minus, Jual Suplemen Utk Mata, Jual Suplemen Herbal Untuk Mata. Jual Obat Herbal Mata Katarak, Pengobatan Alternatif Mata Minus yogyakarta, Mata Silinder, Glukoma, Obat untuk Kardiovaskular, Suplemen untuk Retina Mata, Suplemen Antioksidan, nutrisi kesehatan, multivitamin anak, bayi dan balita, nutrisi ibu hamil, suplemen ibu menyusui, nutrisi pengobatan torch pada kehamilan. BILBERRY berfungsi untuk terapi pengobatan berbagai jenis penyakit mata dan melancarkan peredaran darah. BILBERRY kaya akan kandungan zat aktif ANTIOKSIDAN tinggi yang memiliki manfaat mengamankan tubuh dari efek buruk radikal bebas.
PEMESANAN SMS/WA.0856.9637.0861
Katarak disebabkan tingginya radikal bebas untuk mengatasinya dapat menggunakan BILBERRY HPAI. Selain itu katarak juga disebabkan mengaburnya lensa mata. Kaburnya lensa mata ini bisa disebabkan kolestrol yang tinggi maka bisa diterapi dengan Habatussauda dan Natura Omega Squa. Untuk katarak yang disebabkan karena diabet yang tinggi minumkan gamalife dan andrographis centella, selain mengkonsumsi BILBERRY HPAI.
KATARAK pada BALITA dan BAYI mata sejak lahir timbul lapisan putih pada matanya, kemungkinan masalah denaturasi protein atau regenerasi sel oleh protein pada mata mengalami kegagalan atau bermasalah. Saran saya jangan berikan susu formula. Asi exlusive lbh diutamakan pemberian ASI dilanjutkan hingga usia 2 tahun. Perbaiki ususnya dengan menyuapkan EXTRAFOOD HPAI dengan metode seperti tahnik. Yaitu basahi jari telunjuk ibunya dengan ludah lalu oleskan madu royal jeli HPAi beserta serbuk ekstrak dari BILBERRY yang dibuka kapsulnya. Oleskan pada langit2 mulut bayi. ulang sehari 3x bisa lebih. Untuk ibunya konsumsi madu diseduh air green palapa/ n green dan Natura omega squa beserta BILBERRY.
sumber: konsultasi bersama Herbalis nasional HPA Indonesia Ustz. Anton Slamet. (hpaiforum)



SUPLEMEN UNTUK MATA KERING – SMS/WA.0897.6649.519. Jual obat herbal mata kabur, obat herbal mata merah, pengobatan mata lelah alami. ALAMI, ILMIAH dan HALAL, Garansi barang sampai TUJUAN.

Obat herbal mata kabur, obat herbal mata lelah, pengobatan herbal untuk mata, obat mata kering, pengobatan alternatif mata.

Computer Vision Syndrome Menatap monitor komputer selama berjam-jam telah menjadi bagian dari hari kerja modern. Dan mau tidak mau, semua menatap yang dapat menempatkan beban yang nyata pada mata Anda. Nama untuk masalah mata yang disebabkan oleh penggunaan komputer adalah sindrom visi komputer (CVS). CVS bukan merupakan salah satu masalah mata tertentu. Sebaliknya, istilah mencakup berbagai macam kelelahan mata dan sakit yang dialami oleh pengguna komputer
INFO dan PEMESANAN SMS/WA.0897.6649.519
  Rekomendasi Terkait Kesehatan Mata Visi ganda (Diplopia) Penglihatan ganda, atau diplopia, adalah gejala untuk mengambil serius. Beberapa penyebab diplopia yang relatif kecil, tetapi yang lain membutuhkan perhatian medis yang mendesak. WebMD mengambil melihat penyebab, gejala, dan pengobatan untuk penglihatan ganda. Penelitian menunjukkan masalah mata komputer yang umum. Di suatu tempat antara 50% dan 90% dari orang yang bekerja di layar komputer memiliki setidaknya beberapa gejala masalah mata. Selain itu, orang dewasa yang bekerja bukan satu-satunya orang yang rentan terhadap sindrom visi komputer. Anak-anak yang menatap video game portabel atau yang menggunakan komputer sepanjang hari di sekolah juga dapat mengalami masalah mata terkait dengan penggunaan komputer, terutama jika pencahayaan dan posisi komputer kurang dari ideal. Bagaimana Bisa Mempengaruhi Layar Komputer Vision? Sindrom visi komputer mirip dengan carpal tunnel syndrome dan cedera stres yang berulang lain di tempat kerja. Hal ini terjadi ketika Anda melakukan gerakan yang sama berulang-ulang. Sama seperti orang cedera stres yang berulang lainnya, sindrom visi komputer bisa lebih buruk semakin lama Anda melanjutkan aktivitas. Bekerja di depan komputer mengharuskan mata terus fokus, bergerak maju mundur, dan menyelaraskan dengan apa yang Anda lihat. Anda mungkin harus melihat ke bawah pada kertas dan kemudian kembali ke jenis, dan mata harus mengakomodasi perubahan gambar pada layar untuk menciptakan gambaran yang jelas bagi otak untuk menafsirkan. Semua fungsi ini memerlukan banyak upaya dari otot-otot mata. Bekerja pada komputer lebih menantang untuk mata Anda daripada membaca buku atau selembar kertas, karena layar komputer juga menambahkan unsur-unsur kontras layar, flicker, dan silau. Masalah mata komputer lebih mungkin terjadi jika Anda sudah memiliki masalah mata - seperti rabun jauh atau astigmatisme - atau jika Anda perlu kacamata tetapi tidak memakainya atau memakai resep yang salah untuk penggunaan komputer. Bekerja di depan komputer akan lebih sulit karena Anda mendapatkan lebih tua. Itu karena lensa mata Anda menjadi kurang fleksibel. Kemampuan untuk fokus pada objek dekat dan jauh mulai berkurang setelah sekitar usia 40 - suatu kondisi yang disebut presbiopia. Gejala Apa Apakah Bagian dari Computer Vision Syndrome? Tidak ada bukti bahwa sindrom visi komputer menyebabkan kerusakan jangka panjang untuk mata - misalnya, katarak . Namun, penggunaan komputer biasa dapat menjadi sumber signifikan kelelahan mata dan ketidaknyamanan. Jika Anda memiliki sindrom visi komputer, Anda mungkin mengalami beberapa atau semua gejala ini:
  • Penglihatan kabur,

  • Penglihatan ganda,

  • Kering, mata merah,

  • Iritasi mata,

  • Sakit kepala,

  • Leher atau sakit punggung,

  • Jika gejala ini tidak diobati, mereka dapat memiliki efek nyata pada performa kerja Anda.SUPLEMEN UNTUK MATA KERING

Friday 23 May 2014

Active Ingredients and Uses of Spirulina

  1. β - Carotene: If we talk about β - Carotene mean we are talking about carrot or carrots (red turnip), which contains a 10-fold spirulina β - Carotene exceed carrots. In 100 grams of Spirulina contained 23000 IU while the purpose of the body to vitamin A (β - carotene) in a one-day course is only about 5000 IU. Vitamin A is high if taken in excess will be toxic. This is in contrast to the β - Karotenyang found in spirulina. He is more secure because the human body would swap β - carotene into vitamin A when needed. β - Carotene is necessary for vision and have the impression terapiutik including subtracting cholesterol, the risk of cancer, lung, pharynx, stomach, colon, breast, and cervix.
  2. Iron: Iron is necessary for the formation of red blood cells and immune system. Today the iron content in the human body on the wane, especially among women, children and the elderly. Iron deficiency will cause anemia (lack of blood). A woman will mengkonsmsi excess calcium purchased from pharmacies or drug stores scattered msyarakat will cause absorption of iron deficiency. Spirulina contains high iron. at spirulina iron easily absorbed by the human body because the blue pigment known as phycocyanin. Spirulina iron easily absorbed 2-fold compared with the iron contained in vegetables and meat.
  3. Protein : Protein is found in animal could be cancer . Conversely proteins in plants serve as a deterrent Breast cancer , prostate , heart disease , diabetes and menopause symptoms . Spirulina contains 65 % protein higher than all natural foods . It also contains vitamins , minerals and other nutrients . For comparison of protein in soy beans ( soy ) only 35 % . Another advantage found in proteins sspirulina dalah uptake ability of these proteins . Spirulina contains no cellulose in its cell walls . It consists of soft and mucous polysaccharide digestibility of 85 % - 95 % . He was very good , especially in the elderly who are the problem of protein digestion and also children who lack nutrients . Spirulina contains only 5 % fat , in contrast to most sources of protein and low in calories . In 10 g Spirulina contains only 36 calories and almost no cholesterol , while other sources of protein mengadung fat , calories and high cholesterol .
Manfaat lain Spirulina 

In addition to usability as mentioned above, based on health research scientists, Spirulina is believed to also have the following benefits: 

  • Increasing anti-viral activity 
  • Reduce the risk of cancer 
  • Increase endurance 
  • Reducing kidney keracubab 
  • Increase the number of microbes found in the gut Lactobacilus 
  • Accelerate wound healing 
  • Troubleshooting or mineral deficiency 
  • Reduce the suffering caused by radiation 
  • Reduce hormone imbalance

Thursday 1 May 2014

The Natural Treatment (NATURAL TREATMENT) In Intestine

There are 5 natural ways of doing maintenance on the gut :
a. Changes in lifestyle

Lifestyle changes that must be done is to avoid alcohol (liquor ) , additional carbonated beverages , white flour and white sugar results and oily food . Taking additional fiber foods ( dietary fiber ) , raw foods , and less meat and fat . This will reduce the accumulation of bad bacteria ( bad bacteria ) as well as fostering and memeliihara immune system .

b . sport

Sport is very important , especially in the abdomen ( stomach ) . Jump on a mini trampoline and walking is good exercise .

c . Learn to understand the body language

  • Learn to hear the language of the body and eat only when hungry
  • Avoid eating when experiencing emotional distress
  • Learn to menggabngkan food that can be digested with either
  • Combining meat , sugar and starch / starch will cause fermentation and produce materials alcohol in the stomach and intestines
  • Learn the body itself and weaknesses in ourselves and what kind of foods that can foster and maintain physical health , emotional , and mental .

d . Avoid laxatives

  • Purgative / laxative ( lacative ) commonly sold in the market ( such as English salt , etc. ) is very dangerous and makes addictive ( habit torming )
  • Laxatives work contrary to the natural / nature ( against nature) , in addition to pulling out the minerals and fluids , in addition to the body can also cause long -term damage nerup nutrient deficiencies , fatigue , dehydration , etc.
  • Laxatives also interfere with the absorption of sodium and balance in the colon potonium

e . Colon cleansing / colon cleansing

  • Herbs instrumental resolving the causes of disease , not just the symptom / symptoms . By cleansing diet ( consumption of herbal cleaners / washers intestine ) and supplemented with vegetables , fruits , rice , wholemeal flour , future role of the gut can be restored as normal.
  • Most people have pounds air - pounds ( 1 pound = 1/2 kg ) of dry fecal material ( dried fecal matter ) are stored / sticky in the colon , which is blocking food from digested and absorbed . Because it is a lot of people eat food in excess of that sufficient ( sufficient nutrition ) but they are still hungry . By using herbal colon function will be returned / colon until normal , so the food can be absorbed better .

Eliminating toxic ON GUT

A healthy colon will issue unclean ( faeces / dirt ) not more than 14 hours . If unclean will not immediately released into toxic and absorbed into the blood circulation of the body's complement system and so on are stored in tubuh.Prose is called auto - intoxication .

SPIRULINA among other plants dispose of toxic function in usu . Additionally jug spirulina can serve as anti-cancer and intestinal probiotics are . Spirulina also has benefits as a natural slimming .

High probiotic properties contained pad figs , kurm , honey , various vegetables and fruits .
Spirulina is made of blue -green algae ( Arthospira ) which for decades has been used as a health food through research conducted by experts around the world .
Green Warn contained on this plant showed kdar chlorophyll content that serves as washers toxic ( poison ) in the body . The blue color indicates the presence of Fe content required for the formation of blood

Monday 28 April 2014

the occurrence of Constipation

Lack of fiber and eat foods that form mucus / phlegm ( mucus forming food ) causes mucus produces mucus amount / excess mucus to maintain the gut and Prevent it from absorbing toxins . The formation of mucus / mucus can slow transit time ( movement of fecal material ) trace the walls of the colon . This causes the intestinal contents ( food and fecal material ) persist in the colon longer than it should . Moisture is pulled out of the food and faecal material , harden further into clumps . If the type of fatty foods and white flour eaten by many , this material will cause the glue - like material attached to the wall of the colon . If the material is hardened , will form a layer - by- layer on top of the walls of the colon and Become gummy and hard .

Intestinal pouch will collect this hard material and attached with a strong lead ( adherence ) and can not be removed by the body 's exhaust system follows the daily bowel ( defecation) .

Here are the ingredients of mucus - forming foods / mucus in the body :
meat , cheese , dairy products , pastry , results of white flour , white pasta , sweets and all processed foods ( processed ) .
This food is called a food gummy or glue ( glue food ) . Mucus / normal mucus in the body set up to protect the body from toxins due to auto - immune process .

The signs or symptoms of Constipation are :
  1. Enlargement of the abdomen ( stomach ) was not satisfied with the taste of defecation .
  2. Headache
  3. Psychological pressure , a sense of was-was/kebimbangan and sensitive to disturbance
  4. Tired and thirsty
  5. Gastrointestinal not good and a lot of gas ( wind problems)
  6. Often difficulty sleeping and wake up in the night
  7. Excessive weight , mal nutrition and glandular imbalances
  8. Pain behind the organ subordinate ( lower back pain) items, namely when the sciatic nerve suppress colonic
  9. Problem skin , hair and nails

Constipation can lead to several diseases following :
  1. Hermochoid / hemorrhoids
  2. intoxication
  3. Auto -immune diseases are Illnesses that are formed as a result of the immune system that worked hard to experience errors that attack the organs of other body systems such as lupus , cancer .
  4. infection
  5. Tumor / cancer

MECHANISM MAY BE AUTO - intoxication
Clogged colon in constipation inflate state ( occurring pembalonan ) and form pockets of the intestine and the intestinal wall weakens . This incident will cause toxic bacteria enters the flow / blood vessels and cause auto - intoxication .

Intestinal auto - intoxication or is a continuation of the decomposition of proteins in the channel / intestinal tissue . In a normal digestive process , the protein molecules will be decomposed into as many as 20 amino acids ( amino acids are not toxic / non toxid ) . Because of the influence of bacterial growth , the protein can generate toxic amines and contained in the colon . When the colon is clogged will menyebebkan toxins are absorbed into the flow / blood vessel and then placed in a weak area of ​​the body that will lead to chronic diseases . Poison / toxin will also be entering the veins , arteries and lymph system ( lymphatic system) and can enter the cell .

Diarrhea is one form of constipation . According to Drs . John Christopher , diarrhea is one of the bad situation in the intestinal tract where it occurs ketersumbatan chronic state , where fecal - solid stool / kerastidak can dibunag and only liquid effluents released . Diarrhea disebebkan irritation in the colon , chronic diarrhea which occurs when the molar - bahanmerangsang attached to the walls of the colon and can not be removed .

Some POINTS cause diarrhea among laing as follows :
  1. food poisoning 
  2. Parasites such as worms 
  3. Flu, cold (hot-cold) 
  4. Concerns in the large intestine 
  5. Disease in the large intestine such as Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, diverticular disease, irritable bowel syndrome and cancer of the colon (large intestine).